
Tend, Shauna LeAnn Smith & Katherine Botts Whitaker, Dandelion dye and gouache on raw canvas, embroidery floss, beads, baltic birch and cherry wood, 2020.

“To tend” is to actively decide to spend time. As artists, each of us finds joy and pleasure in processes requiring patience, presence, and attention. This a particular way of tending to. Collaboration invites individuals to discover what’s possible, to intuitively know something worthy will emerge when one gives service to a cause greater than oneself.

Our process focused on dialogue. At each stage of making, conversations informed our creative decisions. So, too, did the deliberate responses both of us made to the other artist's mark-making. Beadwork and embroidery are often marked by diligent adherence to a predetermined pattern. Here, we've chosen to shirk prearranged ideas. Instead, we focus on what naturally grew out of each other's individual contributions.

Tend pays attention to nuance. It invites you to breathe, rest, and witness the world around you. Take in growth. Experience the feeling of time. Pause to recognize the connections between all things.


Tend, Shauna LeAnn Smith & Katherine Botts Whitaker, Dandelion dye and gouache on raw canvas, embroidery floss, beads, baltic birch and cherry wood, 2020.

“To tend” is to actively decide to spend time. As artists, each of us finds joy and pleasure in processes requiring patience, presence, and attention. This a particular way of tending to. Collaboration invites individuals to discover what’s possible, to intuitively know something worthy will emerge when one gives service to a cause greater than oneself.

Our process focused on dialogue. At each stage of making, conversations informed our creative decisions. So, too, did the deliberate responses both of us made to the other artist's mark-making. Beadwork and embroidery are often marked by diligent adherence to a predetermined pattern. Here, we've chosen to shirk prearranged ideas. Instead, we focus on what naturally grew out of each other's individual contributions.

Tend pays attention to nuance. It invites you to breathe, rest, and witness the world around you. Take in growth. Experience the feeling of time. Pause to recognize the connections between all things.


Tend, Shauna LeAnn Smith & Katherine Botts Whitaker, Dandelion dye and gouache on raw canvas, embroidery floss, beads, baltic birch and cherry wood, 2020.

“To tend” is to actively decide to spend time. As artists, each of us finds joy and pleasure in processes requiring patience, presence, and attention. This a particular way of tending to. Collaboration invites individuals to discover what’s possible, to intuitively know something worthy will emerge when one gives service to a cause greater than oneself.

Our process focused on dialogue. At each stage of making, conversations informed our creative decisions. So, too, did the deliberate responses both of us made to the other artist's mark-making. Beadwork and embroidery are often marked by diligent adherence to a predetermined pattern. Here, we've chosen to shirk prearranged ideas. Instead, we focus on what naturally grew out of each other's individual contributions.

Tend pays attention to nuance. It invites you to breathe, rest, and witness the world around you. Take in growth. Experience the feeling of time. Pause to recognize the connections between all things.

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees, 2020, polypropylene rope and paradord. For outdoor exhibition Lawn Art With Neighbors.

I wish I had thought ahead to make friendship bracelets for all the people I'm missing right now. The two trees in my front yard stand nearly as far apart as possible inside the lot lines of the lawn. Amidst this temporary time, I empathize with the forever-socially distanced trees. So I made them friendship bracelets.

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees, 2020, polypropylene rope and paradord. For outdoor exhibition Lawn Art With Neighbors.

I wish I had thought ahead to make friendship bracelets for all the people I'm missing right now. The two trees in my front yard stand nearly as far apart as possible inside the lot lines of the lawn. Amidst this temporary time, I empathize with the forever-socially distanced trees. So I made them friendship bracelets.

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees, 2020, polypropylene rope and paradord. For outdoor exhibition Lawn Art With Neighbors.

I wish I had thought ahead to make friendship bracelets for all the people I'm missing right now. The two trees in my front yard stand nearly as far apart as possible inside the lot lines of the lawn. Amidst this temporary time, I empathize with the forever-socially distanced trees. So I made them friendship bracelets.

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees

Friendship Bracelets for Socially Distanced Trees, 2020, polypropylene rope and paradord. For outdoor exhibition Lawn Art With Neighbors.

I wish I had thought ahead to make friendship bracelets for all the people I'm missing right now. The two trees in my front yard stand nearly as far apart as possible inside the lot lines of the lawn. Amidst this temporary time, I empathize with the forever-socially distanced trees. So I made them friendship bracelets.

Where are you from, really?

Gouache, embroidery floss, sewing pins, velveteen fabric, 20”x30”x4”, 2019.

At-home DNA ancestry kits have risen in popularity. So have overt acts of racism and nationalism, alongside intense border security clashes. As we accept technology's role in knowing our personal past, are we shaping our society's future? Where are you from, really? Where are we going, collectively?

Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on A Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Detail of Notes on a Vision

Notes on a Vision

2 feet by 16 feet. CNC-routed panels, latex paint, woven fabric, gouache, and embroidery floss.

Permanent collection of Bridge Space, Lee’s Summit, MO


Now, Where Was I?

Gouache and embroidery floss, 14" x 14" x 0", 2016

Contemporary Sewing Sampler employs traditional hand-embroidery techniques over non-objective abstract paintings. These samplers explore traditional fiber folk arts, after the age of digital embroider machines. Embroidery over gouache on raw canvas.

Now, Where Was I? (detail)

Gouache and embroidery floss, 14" x 14" x 0", 2016

Contemporary Sewing Sampler employs traditional hand-embroidery techniques over non-objective abstract paintings. These samplers explore traditional fiber folk arts, after the age of digital embroider machines. Embroidery over gouache on raw canvas.

Wavelength Sampler

Gouache and Embroidery Floss, 10.5" x 10.5" x 0", 2016

Wavelength Sampler

Gouache and Embroidery Floss, 10.5" x 10.5" x 0", 2016

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